Imagine explaining this situation to everyone at the office. We’re of course working on the aging bug too.” “We’re looking to get it fixed ASAP, thanks for all the bug reports, we appreciate it. “I just wanted to acknowledge that the Want to date a family member is something we know about, we’ve reproduced ourselves, we’re working on it,” SimGuruNick, a quality designer on The Sims 4, said on Twitter. Electronic Arts (EA) already knows about the issue too.

Before you scramble to uninstall the game, remember that it’s a bug. Yes, it’s true: Incest is now part of The Sims 4. Instead, everyone is mocking some ludicrous bugs - one that causes rapid aging and another that’s making sims fall for their family members. Many hoped this update would breathe new life into the aging life-management simulator. After an extraordinarily long wait, The Sims 4’s High School Years expansion is finally out.