Sturm ruger super single six serial number lookup
Sturm ruger super single six serial number lookup

sturm ruger super single six serial number lookup sturm ruger super single six serial number lookup

They are worth their weight in gold when it comes to building your collection. I must give credit for much of my Ruger knowledge to my many collector friends from whom Ihave learned so much over the years.Without them I would not have been able to even attempt to pen these articles.A hearty thanks to Rich Machniak, Jim Schafer, Lee Newton, John Dougan,Mike Stewart, Chad Hiddleson,Don Findley,John Krukenberg, Ken Sawyers, Bob Campbell, Allen Daniels, Dale Dalbotten, Carl Laco,Lee Sundermeier, Henry Bone, Budd Given, and the host of others that I have failed toname who have shared your knowledge with me – and a lot of good Rugers that you allowed me to purchase!Also much of my knowledge came from the RCA Journals, Red Eagle News Exchange (RENE), and the other fine books that are listed on this web-site as suggested reference materials on collecting Rugers (see Bill's article at Collecting Rugers - Part 1). In the next several series of articles I will attempt to provide a general overview of each of the Ruger Single Action revolvers made from 1953 through 1972.These guns are known as the “three-screw” model or just “old models”.I will also list some of the major types and variations of these guns.I hope these articles will be interesting for the readers and especially the beginning Ruger collectors – and hopefully they will influence some of you to begin to collect Rugers.

Sturm ruger super single six serial number lookup